The Philarmonic Liberation Ale Golden Brew 4.0 Liverpool Organic 24 Carat Gold 4.2 Adnam’s Jack Brand Mosaic 4.1 Jarrow Isis 5.0
Fly In The Loaf Okells IPA Marston’s SMASH 4.0 Marston’s Revisionist Saison 5.0 Thornbridge Tzara 4.8
The Dispensary George Wright Marks Mild 3.4 Signature Brew Remedy 4.5 Titanic First Class 3.8 Rat White Rat 4.0 Dortmunder Union Vier 4.0
The Clove Hitch Liverpool Craft Icon 3.8 Liverpool Craft Love Lane Pale 4.5 Liverpool Craft West Coast Pale 6.2 Salopian Automaton 7.0 Mad Hatter Liverpool Wit 7.0 To Ol Reperation Bajer 5.8 Toccalmatto Apricot Scotch Ale 7.5
Baltic Fleet Freedom Four 4.0 Wapping The End 5.0 Brimstage Rhode Island Red 4.0 Wapping Summer Ale 4.2 Wapping Smoked Porter 5.0